понедельник, 23 марта 2009 г.

Do you think it's springtime? It's still cold... but some extraordinary things make me feel that something has changed. Got better. "Love, love, love... All you need is love, that is all you need."
Oh, what a stupid girl, what a funny girl.
White blouse, black skirt. As usual.
Sunny, bright and sunny, bla-bla-bla.
But typical, so typical.
I'm shy, I'm shy, because I love you...

Conferences? Tutoring? Some accidental lectures?
Loneliness, though.
It's just our imagination. Loud music, loud riffs, loud voices. Incredibly.
La jeunesse.
Je veux te dire quelques mots. Je te prie.
Just take me out.
I want you to take me out

Random photos, random eyes,
you - not random.