воскресенье, 24 февраля 2013 г.

My church village

What a nice day (in spite of its relative non-productivity, well). Had a one-hour promenade, the weather was great, an ideal weather for February and winter, actually. It was almost before the sunset, I haven't done it for a long time, unfortunately. The old church with the graveyard, so still, so wonderful. The wooden roof slope - I was slightly inattentive, eller?


First, I thought about going to the part I haven't been before - though the lake tempted me much, but I thought that it worth not spending time, as I couldn't see much before the sunset.
Well, I went further to the north, and was rewarded. Two deer ran across the road, they appeared from nowhere, but I was SO HAPPY to see them. Yeah, they live somewhere in the neighbourhood, hurrah!

And then I unexpectedly came across this witness of old times:

By the way, one Swedish mile equals somewhat about 10 kilometers, so to see some other ones I should go for quite a long time, I suppose. Or at least be aware of other neighbouring "highways".

It would be really nice to walk more during these holidays (we have no lectures, though I have my Swedish course on Tuesday and tons of stuff to do), so-called sportlov (sport holidays). To be a bit more sporty :))
Well, if the weather will be so nice these days, why not, actually? I have enough spots to see and explore in our lovely Runriket.
